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Second survey of 2020

Here are the results of our second survey of the year from 478 respondents. Topics are related to Covid and its impact on residents, landlords and government.

1. Do you know someone personally (friend/family/casual) who you believe has had the Covid-19 virus?

65% No

15 Yes 1

8 Yes 2

6 Yes 3-5

2 More than 5

4 Do not know

2. Do you know a friend/family member that has lost their job because of Covid-19?

30% No

21 Yes 1

23 Yes 2-3

23 Yes 4 or more

4 Do not know for sure

3. For the period March-April, you support the actions of the local government (County/City) for Shelter-in-Place?

49% Strongly Agree

22 Agree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

6 Disagree

5 Strongly Disagree

7 Very Strongly Disagree as this was a violation of my Constitutional rights

6 Still have very mixed feelings of the period

4. I support the month of May's Shelter-in-Place order in Contra Costa.

43% Strongly agree

22 Agree

5 Neither Agree nor Disagree

12 Disagree

8 Strongly disagree

10 Very Strongly Disagree as this was a violation of my Constitutional rights

1 Cannot make up my mind

5. I would go to a regular major sports arena in September (football, basketball, baseball) that had no special distance restrictions.

10% Strongly Agree

10 Agree

10 Neither Agree nor Disagree

16 Disagree

35 Strongly Disagree

2 Do not care

16 Do not go to sports events regardless

6. Landlords who get a postponement of their mortgage payments (basically extending the mortgage by the months not paid) should have to do the same for the tenants that they have - in effect pushing the lease out a month for each month not paid.

38% Strongly Agree

31 Agree

14 Neither Agree nor Disagree

7 Disagree

6 Strongly Disagree

4 Have no idea

7. Have you been tested for the Covid 19 virus?

8% Yes and was negative

1 Yes and was positive

1 Yes and waiting for results

3 Do not want to answer

89 No

8. I support the way the State of California government has handled the Covid-19 crisis.

1% I do not live in California

32 Strongly Agree

29 Agree

8 Neither agree nor disagree

12 Disagree

18 Strongly disagree

1 Have no idea what they have done or are doing.

9. I support a freeze on rent increases for residents for the period June 1st going forward as below.

41% Yes through December 31st, 2020

2 Yes through November 30th, 2020

2 Yes through October 31st, 2020

3 Yes through September 30th, 2020

2 Yes through July 31st, 2020

3 Yes through June 30th, 2020

18 Yes as long as any kind of restriction is in place

15 No

6 Too complicated to figure out

5 Other comments - ran from "Communists should go to Russia" (forgetting that Russia is no longer communist for the last 31 years), to "For as long as renters are out of work and need it." Plus a few expletives implied.

10. I believe that Shelter-in-place should be removed and left up to individuals and the businesses to deal with what restrictions they want to self-impose.

20% Yes Strongly Agree

14 Yes Agree

8 Neither Agree nor Disagree

22 No Disagree

32 No Strongly Disagree

0 Do not care

Comments range from “This is how the Patriot Act was imposed by Natzies ((sic=Nazis)) and now by US government to impose and force its will on people.” to “Economic impact evaluation needs to be understood.” to “We should follow the 4 stages outlined by Gov. Newsom.”

11. The no-eviction order should be removed.

9% Strongly Agree

10 Agree

12 Neither Agree nor Disagree

23 Disagree

28 Strongly Disagree

9 Not Sure

2 Do not care

12. Have you received a waiver or postponement of your rent/mortgage/car payment during this crisis?

5% Yes

92 No

3 Not going to tell you

13. The City and County are paying between $3,000 and $4,000 a month per room to house and feed homeless in 153 rooms in Concord (around half a million dollars a month). This is acceptable for as long as the Shelter-in-Place.

16% Strongly Agree

25 Agree

16 Neither Agree nor Disagree

17 Disagree

26 Strongly Disagree

14. Should non-US citizens receive medical aid and be covered by Shelter-in-Place aid (such as housing if homeless).

23% Strongly Agree

28 Agree

14 Neither Agree nor Disagree

16 Disagree

20 Strongly Disagree

15. I approve of the way the Federal Government has responded to the Covid-19 crisis.

6% Strongly Agree

17 Agree

12 Neither Agree nor Disagree

19 Disagree

45 Strongly Disagree

1 Do not know

1 Do not care

16. In the 1918-19 Spanish Flu Pandemic, the following winter was substantially worse than the outbreak's first 6 months. Do you believe that the winter of December 2020-February 2021 will be substantially worse than the last 6 months?

10% Strongly agree substantially worse

12 Agree substantially worse

19 Somewhat agree that it will be worse but not sure how much

31 Could go either way, not very sure

5 Somewhat disagree that it will be more like what we have already gone through

6 Disagree it will be better than now

5 Strongly disagree it will be substantially better than now

3 Will not be a problem at all

9 Have no clue whatsoever

17. Do you believe that the government and media reaction to the pandemic was excessive and overstated the severity of the crisis?

24% Strongly Agree

13 Agree

11 Neither Agree nor Disagree

25 Disagree

26 Strongly Disagree

0 Do not care

18. Thinking of the future economy in 2021, what is your feeling of how it will be?

21% Better

19 About the same

47 Worse

12 Do not know

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